
25 April 2017

NGO demands speedy passage of ‘not too young to run’ bill

(Endowed Blogs.)National Assembly, Abuja.
The Youth Initiative Against Violence and Human Rights Abuse (YIAVHA), an NGO, has urged the National Assembly (NASS) to speedily pass into law the “Not too young to run” bill.
The Executive Director of the organisation, Mr Pwakim Jacob, made the call in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Jos.
NAN reports that the “Not too young to run” bill, which seeks to give room for younger people to run for any elective position in the country, had passed second reading at the NASS.
According to Jacob, if given the chance to lead, the youth will drive the economic and political fortunes of Nigeria to the greatest height.
He added that if the bill eventually got passed by the NASS and assented to by the President, it would go along way to shape the political dimensions of Nigeria.
“We are pushing for this bill not because those in the helm of affairs today are not doing well, but we feel if the youths are giving the opportunity, they can do better."
“The youth of this country are doing well; they are making this country proud in all ramifications, internally and externally."
“We feel if given the opportunity to lead, they will not disappoint Nigerians; they have all it takes to drive the economy of this country to a greater height."
“So, we urge the NASS to give this bill an accelerated passage, at least before the 2019 general elections,” he said.
The executive director challenged Nigerian youths to take their destiny by their hands, and take the advantage of the generational needs; the need of vibrant youths in leadership position.
They advised the youths to engage copiously in community service, using their intellectual prowess and numerical strength to ensure development gets to the people at the grassroots.
“Young people must be those who have big dreams; dreams of service to humanity and making sacrifice for the good of all."
“The youths must think ahead so as to bring the desired changes people expect of them,” he said.
Jacob further urged the younger generation to believe in themselves, as only through self-confidence they could achieve the desired goals in the society. 

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