
18 July 2017

Customs boss 'can wear jeans and T-shirt', says Senate President

(Endowed Blogs.)Senate President, Bukola Saraki
Senate President Bukola Saraki yesterday, July 17, 2017, said that the Comptroller-General of the Nigerian Customs Service, Hameed Ali could wear anything he wants if he curbs the smuggling activities on the countries borders.
Saraki made the remarks during the Senate's public hearing on "Smuggling - A threat to Nigeria’s quest to self sufficiency in rice production".
While addressing the Customs boss, the Senate President said, "Once you end smuggling, even if you want to wear jeans and T-shirt, I will personally move the motion to support you."

Hameed Ali Nigeria Customs Service boss, Hameed Ali
(Nigerian Watch)

This is a callback to the war of words that went on between the Senate and the retired Army Colonel in March after he refused to appear before lawmakers in his Customs uniform, a gesture that was not well received.
The Nigerian Senate had asked for his resignation if he continued to defy the order to wear his uniform, but the Customs boss said he would not wear the uniform of another agency after his time in the army.
He had said, “Does uniform work or the person behind the uniform?  Am I doing my job or not? I think that should be what should worry the National Assembly,”

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