
18 October 2017

This new update will let you share your current location in real time

(Endowed Blogs.)null
Whatsapp announced on Tuesday 17th of August, that they are now going to be letting users share the location with friends and family in real time.
If you’ve used the sharing feature before, you know we could already share locations before, except it was static. With this one though, you’ll be able to share it in real time, almost like a Google Map of chat. 

Here’s how it will work.

Open a chat with the person or group you want to share with. Go to Location, from the attach button. The attach options will have “Share Live Location”. When you select it, you can even choose for how long you intend to share location with the other person. Then hit send. 
The best part? If more than one person shares their Live Location in the group, all locations will be visible on the same map.
play Whatsapp is saying this feature will be rolled out over the next few weeks. (Whatsapp Blog)

But there might be problems. Many people tend to have trust issues. So imagine you’re sharing your location in real time with someone, and government decides its time to take you out.
Well, Whatsapp is promising that just like its texting side of things, the live sharing will be encrypted, end to end. So no one can get in. 
There’s also the more trivial trust issue, like how you can no longer lie that you’re on your way while you’re still in the shower. 
Bae: Hey Love, where are you?
You: I’m on my way, I should be with you in 5 minutes
Bae: Alright then, share your location.
You: Errr…
Bae: Yes now, shebi you said you’re almost 5 minutes away
You: *shares location*
Bae: Why you always lying?

Whatsapp said on their blog that the feature will be rolled out gradually over the next few weeks. So exhaust all your “5 minutes away” lies why you still can. The future is about to go live.

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