
20 February 2017

Five Contemporary Sudanese Artist you should you know

(Endowed Blogs.)Nile

Sudan's contemporary music reflects a collection of diverse culture and tradition with good rhythm, melody and great lyrics.

Here's a list of 5 Sudanese music folks expressing and reflecting Sudan's culture in their mucis.

1. Nile

Nile play Nile

Nile, a Soul, Hip Hop and R&B singer/song writer and music producer based in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) became undeniably popular when he raised eyebrows with his performance at the Arabic version of the voice performing in English. Known for his acoustic guitar and sultry music, Nile is one artist we love.

2. Oddisee

Oddisee play Oddisee

Born in Washington DC to a Sudanese father and African-American mother, Sudanese-American rapper, Amir Mohamed el Khalifa popularly referred to as Oddisee, with more than 10 digitally released EPs, compilations, instrumental albums and several international collaborations and tours is a beat-maker & conscious lyricist and soulful musician.

3. Asya Satti

Asya Satti play Asya Satti

Sudanese singer and songwriter, Asya Satti has a unique musical style that blends Soul, Blues and Jazz with a contemporary twist influenced by her Middle-Eastern and African upbringing. The great mix of tenderness and confidence in her voice can't be overlooked.

4. Alsarah and the Nubatones

Alsarah and the Nubatones play Alsarah and the Nubatones

Known for producing funky East African retro pop with a twist of Nubian and traditional Sudanese songs, Alsarah and the Nubatones are inspired by Nubian "songs of return".

5. Mazin Hamid

Mazin hamid play Mazin hamid

Considered to be the first Sudanese artist who produced a video clip on YouTube, Mazin is a contemporary Sudanese pop artist. He is a multitalented musician known for his great skill with musical instrument like the Ukelulu and guitar.

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