
22 February 2017

Please when will all these stop? 'Leave or we kill you all' - SA hate group threaten Nigerians

(Endowed Blogs.)Scene of xenophobic attack

Not yet satisfied with their xenophobic attacks on Nigerians and their businesses in South Africa, some extremist youths have gone ahead to threaten to kill Nigerians if they refuse to leave their country.

They have gone ahead to create a Facebook group called 'Get Nigerian Drug Dealers out of SA' and in just a few days, the group has gathered over 5,000 members and they all want one thing: to force Nigerians out of their country by all means.
All the members preach hatred for Nigerians whom they see as drug lords, scammers, kidnappers, armed robbers and the one corrupting their women who have now turned to prostitution at the behest of the Nigerians.
A post by the administrator of the group tells it all and they are all up in arms against Nigerians.
Read the post here:
"The Nigerian drug lords need to be run out of town; they are slowing creeping into other suburbs... A friend last night found a group of them selling their 'wares' on a pavement opposite her house.
She took photos of the scene and send it to the SAPS WhatsApp. They claimed that the Ford Focus was broken down and they were waiting for the tow truck. She stated that if that was indeed the case, then, they would not mind her taking photos of activities.
The men verbally abused her. Despite them trying to mishandle her physically, she captured the photos of the Nigerians drinking from the boots of their cars etc.
She persisted and stated that she was going to publish the photos...in seconds they 'escaped' from the scene; even the Ford Focus that was waiting for a tow truck.
Nigerians are criminals and they are living on borrowed time.
Let's start a campaign - #Nigeriancriminals must FALL."

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