
13 March 2017

Actress lash at critics, threatens to release evidence of husband abuse

(Endowed Blogs.)Tonto Dikeh and Oladunni Churchill... when the going was good

Tonto Dikeh, is not the one to back down in the midst of pressure, despite a new report suggesting that she was not physically abused by estranged husband, Oladunni Churchill.

In her attempt to prove her innocence, Dikeh who was accused of a violent act against her brother-in-law has threatened to release photo and video evidence of her ex husband's physical abuse.
Tonto Dikeh's evidence of physical abuse.play
Tonto Dikeh's evidence of physical abuse.

She stated this in an Instagram comment she posted yesterday, March 11, 2017.
According to the actress, she chose not to make the evidence public due to her regard for Churchill who fathered her son.
"It has been brought to my attention my EX is spreading scandalous & baseless lies about me, he has even resorted to some very intimidating tactics in a bid to discredit me and my story.
"I would like to state for the avoidance of doubt,that everything I have shared is true.I went through those experiences and to the glory of God, I survived and I am a better person today.
"I would like to inform my antagonists that I have no problem with fighting back,I have said the truth and I have pictures and videos to back my story.
"I will not hesitate to use them to vindicate myself.That I have not shared these strong evidence2 date is borne out of respect that this man remains the father of my son.
"In the event that he will resort to lies in a bid to save face & further tarnish my image becomes unwarranted insult upon severe physical & mental injury.
"Let me reiterate,that my sole objective is 2help people,I'm not interested in smearing anybody’s perceived image,I strongly advice that you mrX be warned."
Tonto Dikehplay
Tonto Dikeh
 (Tonto Dikeh)
Her comment is coming at the heels of a statement released by the Ghana Police Service (GPS), accusing the actress of violent conduct.
A GPS spokesperson noted that the actress admitted to destroying property worth $15,000, but her ex-husband refused to take actions against her.

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