
10 April 2017

How HR managers can boost creativity and productivity in the workplace using influenced thought patterns

(Endowed Blogs.)MindPower

The workplace is a unique setting endowed with a vast array of personalities with unimaginable talent, but sometimes some of them don’t reach their peak, even the high performers too.

It is the job of the Human Resources professional to create the right corporate environment to harness theses talents and boost it for optimum performance.

The insight I am about to share today, has been tested among a sample group and the percentage growth in creative ability of the subjects rose to about 85% in most cases with many discovering talents and gifts they never knew they had.
The mind is a powerful tool with the potential of yielding enormous results for the person who puts it to work.
In a series of closed session trainings, I have emphasised the importance of expanding the horizon of your mind beyond this physical realm, using imagination.
Imagination, simply put, is putting images in action and sowing them as seeds in a more superior realm than here where you are.
Man is a spirit, he has a soul and leaves in his body, which he uses to relate with the things in this physical region.
Over the years, it has been proven that this body of ours has limited us from tapping into the potentials in the universe.
Your organisation can experience an exponential increase in the creative capacity of your staff if you will put the truth I am about to share with you today.
Through the use of imagination, you can become whatever you want to be and even create anything you want in this world.
The truth is that God has already created everything you would ever desire, but you cannot relate with it, because it is in a realm far more superior than the physical where your body is not allowed, and even cannot function there.
You can reach those heights of productivity and creativity using the power of imagination.
Let us say you want a promotion in your job, all you need to do is to relax at night in a quiet dark room and imagine yourself enjoying the perks of that new position, harvest how it feels to be at that level.
Enjoy your new office, feel the joy and pride that comes with being in that new position you desire, see your friends congratulating you. Enjoy the feeling.
There will be no true manifestation of your desire, if you do not capture and mix your feelings with the practice of imagination.
Coming back to how Human Resources managers can boost the productivity and creativity level on their team, here are some tested techniques to achieve that purpose:
1. De-Clutter: In an organisation, we have different people and their will certainly be disagreements, but if the feeling lingers, it slows down progress. No team will reach its highest potential when the place is full of bitter aura.
Haven’t you been to somewhere and you just could not stand the aura in the environment or even the person?
The person might be nice, but there is something not clicking in you. That is our inner guidance system at work.
Why do you buy from shop A and not from Shop B? It is the aura the sellers exude and not necessarily the positioning or marketing, which are also good.
Everyone on your team should be asked to let go of every hurt or grievance and move on. They can share or choose to make amends on their own.
The truth is that it slows down the individual’s progress, when he or she only projects evil thoughts towards another.
How the earth works is that you receive a multiplied harvest of the thought seeds which you sow towards another. Sow thoughts of good, it come back to you and vice-versa.
2. Subtly inserted impressions: The eyes capture and relate to your mind, what it thinks is important for you to know, and things that concern you directly.
By using subtle inserted impressions, you can boost your team’s performance when you plant soft and direct messages into their consciousness.
Try placing subtle messages in every office that says: Your creativity is what has made our business grow.
Our business can dare to dream bigger because of your high productivity level.
Thank you, we recognise your productivity and high level of creativity is what has brought us this far.
What the eyes sees constantly, it communicates to the mind, until it processes it into your consciousness and activates the desire to be productive and creative.
Have you ever unconsciously stretched your hand to where the TV remote is, thinking it’s there? That is because your mind has registered the position, despite the fact that the remote control is movable.
That is why you hear people shout and say I do not like people moving my things. The mind likes to be in a normal state until it is jolted subtly or forcefully by a new and superior reality.
3. Intentional Projections: This has to do with using your emotions to intentionally project thoughts of progress for another. Arrange your team members in twos and let each person spend 3 to 5 minutes every day, projecting thoughts of productivity and creativity towards his or her partner.
This works tremendously. It does not only create an aura that bonds everyone, each person receives a harvest of what he or she has projected for the other.
An assumption, though false, if sustained, soon becomes hard fact.
Thank you for finding time to read this article.

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