
28 September 2017

Would you (really) spend N150k on this beauty trend? Be honest.

(Endowed Blogs.)Betty Irabor
Ladies, would you spend N150k and over to get your brows microbladed?
This eyebrow trend is getting all the rave (since 20
16 actually) and it's still in demand but at least N90k this beauty trend doesn't come as cheap.
Though fast making going sans makeup hassle free with the brows already done and hopefully beautifully, coughing out N150,000 (amount for quality pencils, brow gel that would last yearsssssssssss!) seem to make a lot of ladies rethink microblading at the moment.
Microblading play Lady getting her brows microbladed

Microblading involves implanting pigment under the skin by drawing 'hairlike' strokes done with a tool (this MUST be done by a trained beautician) which lasts up to about two to three years depending on how well it's managed!
The microblading process lasts up to two hours with a trained beautician who starts by measuring the eye area to be sure the dimensions come out natural and as close to perfectly framing the face as possible. A touch up is done after four weeks to make sure the desired effects are gotten and then in between touch ups are done to make sure they stay 'popping.'  
A few ladies love this trend and seem unbothered about how 'not exactly affordable" ("but it works") it is but as long as it saves them the hassle of drawing and taming brows daily, they are good.

Engineer and self confessed beauty lover Tosin T. Taiwo raved about the trend she says "has changed her life and made her makeup routine faster and way tidier". "Between if doesn't hurt to wake up with the face looking done, you know I woke like flawless" She says.
A few other ladies I spoke to also reacted the same way (loving it) except for one who doesn't seem to think it's worth all the hype "because of my oily skin that I think contributes to it fast fading off the pigment. So I feel i might need more touch ups in between more than the next person"
For being natural looking, comes with little or no maintenance daily, microblading comes as a top beauty trend but when the tag to it doesn't come cheap not forgetting it has to be done by a certified expert (just imagine after spending a lot of money, you then end up with horrible brows).
Betty Irabor  Mrs Betty Irabor recently got her brows microbladed
(Instagram/BM Pro)

Don't forget there would be touch ups in between- which would definitely come at a cost- though microblading lasts for about a year to three, it depends largely on skintype and skincare routine to keep it looking good.
A colleague who got a N150,000 price point to get the trend done with a raved Lagos based expert also noted after asking her about getting her brows microbladed; "Threading is N1,500, pencil is N800. Abeg I will watch Youtube videos till I get the shape right!"
What do you say? To microblade or get down to watching more Youtube 'tuts'?

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