
31 October 2017

Maybe you don't know that this religious group is not a church?

(Endowed Blogs.)Image result for jehovah witness
After years of referring to them as a church, it was just brought to my attention that they are actually not that.
Unlike others, they prefer to be called a religious group instead. So, now you know.
This is not the only thing that separates them from the rest. Unlike others that have churches where people attend services, this group has what is called a Kingdom Hall.

This is where members attend five meetings every week. Another unique thing is that collect tithes, they prefer voluntary giving.
Celebrating holidays like Christmas and Easter is also not their thing.
Unlike churches like the Roman Catholic, this group does not regard the cross to be a symbol of Christianity.
This is because they believe that “the Bible indicates that Jesus did not die on a cross but rather on a simple stake.”
They also believe that they are the only religion with the ‘truth’, according to thejehovahswitnesses.org.

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