
3 November 2017

It's a fool's act to body shame celebrities

(Endowed Blogs.)Uche Jombo
Body shaming is an act that most of us do on a daily. We judge people based on their looks and mock their physical appearance.
"Look at how skinny he is" and "she's so fat, no one would want to date her"  are common examples of body shaming. We all went through this in our teenage years- a period when we were not yet confident of our bodies.
Even as adults many of us still struggle with our body shape, facial looks and body tone. Body shaming has gotten worse over the years. After struggling to get a hot picture of yourself, you post on on Twitter or the 'gram only for a troll to shatter your self-confidence.

Uriel and Marvis of Big Brother Naija. Uriel was dragged on Instagram for this picture, with many commenting on her boobs play Uriel and Marvis of Big Brother Naija. Uriel was dragged on Instagram for this picture, with many commenting on her boobs
(My Home Page )

This doesn't happen to just you and me, celebrities are more prone to body shaming than any group of people. Take the recent example of Big Brother Naija housemate Uriel who was dragged on Instagram comments because of the way her breasts looked.
It became so much of an issue that she had to respond to the body shamers. "I am proud of my big saggy boobs, these boobs will feed my children" she proudly said. Thankfully her self-confidence was taken away by IG gangsters.
Celebrities are always in the bull's eye for the body shaming gang to take shots at. Prison Break star Wentworth Miller was body shamed for the increase in his weight. The TV star responded and revealed that his weight gain was due to his battle with depression.
Wentworth Miller play Wentworth Miller responds to fat shaming meme

Nollywood star Uche Jombo was body shamed a lot by trolls for not having a sexy, slim figure after giving birth. Not everyone can pull of a Beyonce or Mercy Johnson quickly after having a baby but don't tell the trolls this.
Uche Jombo play Uche Jombo calls out fat shamers
Body shaming is one of the worst traits of mankind. We seek perfection in others when we are hardly perfect. Subconsciously we are pleased with the fact that many others have the same body issues like us.
For celebrities, it is worse. We are happy to know that the rich and famous still have to deal with things like low rate of metabolism, stretch marks, pot belly, and varicose veins. You can call it schadenfreude (deriving pleasure from another person's misfortune). Deep down we are happy that this star or that celeb doesn't have it perfect. Trolls love this.
Body shaming is not good on any level. Not everyone is born with a perfect body. Not every woman will have a Coca-Cola body and not every man will be built like Luke Cage.
Not every man is built like Marvel superhero Luke Cage play Not every man is built like Marvel superhero Luke Cage
(Netflix )

Celebrities are human beings too and as we all know human beings are imperfect. Don't expect every famous person to be shaped like a god in Athens. It is childish thinking. Instead of beating up celebs who don't have the perfect body, we should praise them for their self-confidence. Doing this would motivate and encourage the countless fans they have who are dealing with the same issues.

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