
19 September 2017

Check out these 6 money making hobbies you should imbibe

 Image result for dollars and nairas 
We all have hobbies we enjoy doing at our free time. But instead of just having fun doing what you love at leisure periods, you can also cash out with it.
You might be wondering how can you monetize your hobby. The trick is figuring out the best way to make money out of hobbies. The internet is the best medium to turn hobbies into profits by being on a popular social media platform or creating a blog website for hobbies.

A makeup artist A makeup artist
(mua afri-love.com)

1. Makeup Artistry

Makeup artistry is gradually becoming a force to reckon with in the entrepreneurial world. Most makeup artists started out their craft as a hobby. So instead of standing in front of a mirror during free time wasting the expensive foundations, powder concealers, different brushes and other makeup tools on your face, you can keep up the practice of your makeup skills on someone else's face for cash.
A focus photographer A focus photographer

2. Photography

A lot of money can be made from photography. If you have a thing for photography and creating beautiful stories with your camera when next you are taking a stroll, you are on a road trip or your next travel, take your camera along to capture nice city skylines and architectural masterpiece and turn it into money by selling them.  You can sell quality pictures on shutterstock and get cool cash for them. You can also start event or corporate photography. Trust me, there is money in photography. 
Catering Catering

3. Catering

If you are always in the kitchen, always either cooking or baking, it is best to turn it into a profit-making venture. You can stay at home, taking orders from clients on what they would love to have for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Or you can start catering for events.

4. Traveling

You love travelling, do you know you can make money out of it? You can create a platform where people can pay to travel and tour different places. Also, travel companies can pay for you to stay at their resort in exchange for a good write-up about your experience during your stay. A blog should be dedicated to this cause.
Artisans Artisans

5. Arts and craft

Out of all the hobbies, arts and crafts are one of the most lucrative hobbies. If you have a thing for arts and crafts try making the best out of it. People who are art savvy can spend so much just to get a piece of artwork. 

6. Practicing Funny

Funny practice          Funny practice

People have leveraged on the social media platforms such as, instagram, twitter and facebook to put out funny video skits which go viral in minutes of uploading. If you are good at making people laugh, you can make money from it. Corporate brands and companies these days make use of people who have these funny skits to give their products or services a wider reach and coverage.
These are just a few hobbies listed here. There are lots of other hobbies that can fetch you money, only if you take advantage of them.
(Endowed Blogs.)

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